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Building Relationships

Since donating money to the building of Clever Minds Foundation School in Warri Nigeria last summer, we have had several monthly calls with the students at the school to preach the gospel and share the Word of God.

Our monthly calls are usually led by two GSA team members, equipped with bible verses, fun engaging questions, and teachings from the Bible.

As stated in our Governing Principles ‘Our main concern in the selection and support of Christian mission partners and churches is that their godliness, doctrine, and zeal align with GSA.’ Clever minds Foundation, from the school’s leaders and teachers to its students has shown that they are hungry to know the word of God. From our discussions with them and the questions we ask the young children, we can see that the school is building them up in the way of the Lord.

In our most recent call on the 22nd of July, we asked the children, ‘What is the Gospel?’ and one of the students responded with, ‘The good news.’ This is so encouraging, to know that these young children are developed in the Word and understand what the gospel is. During our call with them, we encouraged the students to share what they learned about the Gospel with someone they know, from our CEO Ryan. We hope that in telling them to share the gospel with someone else, they would not only be actively practicing what they have learned outside of the monthly calls but also proclaiming the gospel to others. This is key, as we believe that believers are called to proclaim the gospel for the salvation of souls and the spreading of the Good News.

Images of GSA CEO Ryan, Anu, Head of Marketing and Students of Clever Minds Foundation School,

Warri Nigeria.

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Website: Charity Number: 1189092

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